Here is a simple use of angular.identity example, angular.identity helps to write functional style code.below is the documentation:
API Doc for angular.identity
As to showcase the use of this, here we have a simple angular application which displays square value and multiplied by 2 value of a number. For example:
Input Value:5
Multiply By two: 10
To achieve this, I have created two functions:
In addition to this, I have a separate helper function which calls these function passing it's first argument.
Then the givemeResult function may be invoked in the below fashion:
API Doc for angular.identity
As to showcase the use of this, here we have a simple angular application which displays square value and multiplied by 2 value of a number. For example:
Input Value:5
Multiply By two: 10
To achieve this, I have created two functions:
$scope.square = function (n) { return n * n }; $scope.multplybyTwo = function (n) { return n * 2};
In addition to this, I have a separate helper function which calls these function passing it's first argument.
$scope.givemeResult = function (fn, val) { return (fn || angular.identity)(val); };
Then the givemeResult function may be invoked in the below fashion:
$scope.initVal = 5; $scope.squareResult = $scope.givemeResult($scope.square, $scope.initVal); $scope.intoTwo = $scope.givemeResult($scope.multplybyTwo, $scope.initVal);
You may visit the Plnkr.
it is nice example. easy to understand angular.identity.