Sunday, December 15, 2013

Example of Scope hierarchy in Angular JS

Angular JS has a $scope object which is mostly used to expose the domain model, model or domain level properties are assigned to $scope and can be accessed in view as well as controller.

In a single application we can have multiple controllers and each controller can refer to their own instance of $scope object, parent scope as well as $rootScope which is parent most scope of an application.$rootScope is created when the application bootstraps.

In the below example I have 2 controllers for my application, one is mainController and other one is named as subController. subController has a child controller named as childController.

MainController has one property named as Mngname, and it assigns a property named compayName  to it's parent scope which is nothing but $rootscope.

SubController has one property named as amName.

ChildController takes $rootScope along with $scope as it's inputs, it has one property named empName, it creates and assigns  one property of it's parent scope i:e, scope of SubController named as dept. It creates another property comp which holds the value of companyName property of $rootScope.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head> <script src="
        var  mainController=function($scope)
        var  subController=function($scope)


         var appVar=angular.module('ScopeTest',[]);
    <title>Angular scope chain</title>
<body ng-app="ScopeTest">
   <div ng-controller="mainController">
        <table title="ParentTable" border="5px">
                <td>Manager Name</td>
            <table border="4px" ng-controller="subController">
                <td>Associate Manager Name</td>
                    <td>Reporting To</td>
                    <td>Department Assigned at Employee Level</td>


                        <table border="3px" ng-controller="childController">
                                <td>Employee Name</td>




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